Winamp Online Services

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  5. Winamp App
  6. Winamp Online Video Streaming
  • 1Winamp Online Services Security
    • 1.1Security Dialog Prompts
    • 1.2Grouping APIs by Security Prompt

Winamp Online Services Security

Winamp Online Services is a powerful new way for web developers to create engaging content for millions of Winamp users. However, with great power comes great responsibility. Since online services have access to more information from the Winamp client than an ordinary web page, it is very important that we provide some mechanism to provide security for the users.

There are certain activities that online services can perform that are not considered a security risk For example, examining the current position of a song being played. However, for others a security dialog will be presented whenever a service tries to perform the action for the first time.

Security Dialog Prompts

Security prompts contain a description of the action being attempted, an indication as to what API the action belongs, allow and deny buttons as well as a checkbox.

From MP3s to streaming video, Winamp is the one place you go to feed your audio/video habit. Here are just some of the hot, new things you can do with the latest version of Winamp: Winamp can use both Modern and Classic skins, so you can be both hip and retro at the same time. Winamp gives you easy and organized access to your favorite media.

  1. A leaked version of Winamp 5.8 recently spread over the Internet. Consequently, we have decided to make this new version available to you, revised by us. We therefore recommend that you download this version rather than any other as we guarantee it is safe for you to use.
  2. Download and install Winamp (if you don’t already have it installed).

Replies, either Allow or Deny, to security prompts are saved for each online service.


Allows the online service to perform the action. It will also automatically ALLOW other, related actions. The list below will identify which actions are related.


Does NOT allow the online service to perform the action. It will also automatically DENY other related actions.

Use this response for all security requests for this service

When this checkbox is checked, the choice (Allow or Deny) will be used as the response to all subsequent security prompts for this service. This is a quick way to indicate that a particular online service should be allowed or denied (depending on the button pressed) to perform all actions.

Grouping APIs by Security Prompt

The following APIs and methods will cause a security prompt to appear the first time each service attempts to invoke them. Security responses for each message will then be used automatically for the other api methods listed.:

This service is trying to control playback

  • API: Transport
  • Methods: Prev(), Play(), Stop(), Pause(), Next()
  • Description: The online service is attempting to Play, Stop, Pause, Jump to the previous track, or Jump to the next track.

This service is trying to monitor playback events

  • API: Transport
  • Methods: RegisterForEvents()
  • Description: The online service is requesting to be notified when playback events occur. The possible events are Play, Pause, Stop, End of File. Note these events will occur whether initiated from scripts or from the user clicking on the buttons themselves. Some events carry additional information:
    • Play provides the filename/URL of the asset being played.
    • Stop provides the current position where playback was halted. End of File indicates that the end of the asset has been reached.
    • Pause provides a flag indicating whether the player was paused or unpaused.
    • End of File happens at the end of an asset before the next one is played.

This service is trying to get information about the currently playing song

  • API: Transport
  • Methods: GetMetadata()
  • Description: The online service is requesting 'Metadata' information from the current asset. 'Metadata' is additional information that MAY be part of the asset, such as author or title, that is not actually part of the song itself. The existence of metadata depends on the format of the data and whether it was added when the asset was digitized.

This service is trying to access your active playlist

Winamp online services not working
  • API: PlayQueue
  • Methods: Play(), Enqueue(), Insert(), ClearQueue()
  • Description: The online service is trying to alter the Play Queue. It may be trying to play a single asset, add assets to the queue or clear the queue.

This service is trying to get information about an item in your Play Queue.

  • API: PlayQueue
  • Methods: GetMetadata(), GetTitle(), GetURL()
  • Description: The service is trying to gather information about an asset within the play queue.

This service is trying to access the playlists in your media library

  • API: PlayLists
  • Methods: GetPlaylists(), OpenPlaylist(), SavePlaylist()
  • Description: The online service is trying to obtain a list of all Winamp playlists known to your Winamp client. It may also be trying to open a playlist to manipulate the assets within or it may be trying to save a modified playlist.

This service is trying to access your bookmarks

  • API: Bookmarks:
  • Methods: Add()
  • Description: The online service is trying to create a bookmark in your Media Library Bookmarks.

This service is trying to subscribe you to a podcast

  • API: Podcasts
  • Methods: Add()
  • Description: The online service is trying to subscribe to a podcast and add an entry in your Media Library Podcasts

This service is trying to provide metadata to Winamp

  • API: MediaCore
  • Methods: AddMetadataHook()
  • Description: The online service is trying to add metadata for an asset. This might be useful if the online service can provide better metadata than comes as part of the asset itself.

This service is trying to access information about media supported by Winamp.

  • API: MediaCore
  • Methods: isRegisteredExtension()
  • Description: The service is trying to determine if the Winamp client supports a certain encoding formation, for example 'mp3'.

This service is trying to access information about media on your computer.

  • API: MediaCore
  • Methods: GetMetadata()
  • Description: The online service is attempting to get metadata from an asset.

This service is trying to access your playback history

  • API: History
  • Methods: Query()
  • Description: The Winamp History is a collection of information about the assets you play, how many times they were played and when was the last time they were played. It is used to determine what the users favorite songs are.

This service is trying to launch a website in the browser

  • API: Application
  • Methods: LaunchURL()
  • Description: The online service is trying to launch a new web site in the browser. The browser may be internal to Winamp, which means it could be an online service or it could be launched in an external browser where it does not benefit from the online services api calls.

This service is trying to access information about Winamp

  • API: Application
  • Properties: version, versionstring, language, languagepack
  • Description: The online service is trying to gather information regarding the version of Winamp or the language pack that is being used by Winamp.

This service is trying to access your skin settings

  • API: Skins
  • Methods: GetClassicColor(), GetPlaylistColor(), GetSkinColor()
  • Description: The online service is trying to obtain information regarding the current skin used by the Winamp client. This could be used to sychronize the colors of the service with that of the Winamp player.
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  • 1Welcome
  • 2Who Should Use the Wiki
    • 2.1Skin Developer


Welcome to Winamp's Developer Network wiki. By consolidating Winamp documentation, code samples, reference materials, and sample articles, we've created a one-stop shop for all things related to Winamp development. The purpose of this site is to help facilitate the development of Winamp skins, plug-ins, visualization presets and online services. In order to offer the most relevant material (and since no one is more of an expert than you), our goal is to present a wiki that is updated, maintained, and moderated by the Winamp developer community.

Why develop for Winamp, you ask? Besides being a kickass media player with a flexible programming platform, Winamp has a very loyal fan base with over 72 million worldwide users per month. So chances are your creative masterpiece will live well beyond the boundaries of your hard drive. Now that we've got your creative juices flowing (or at a minimum, appealed to your desire for fame and adoration), you can use the Developer Network as a springboard for everything you need. Most importantly, you can upload your creation and share it with the World. (Note: You'll need a account to upload).

How to use the Wiki

There are several ways that you can use this wiki. Use it as a reference guide. Start sifting through the content to find the information you need to start developing. If you find out that some key information is missing or you see that something on the site is completely inaccurate, we welcome your contributions. We'd love for you to update the site with killer content and Articles. Before you start contributing though, make sure you check out the Developer Network Policies & Guidelines page and create an account. By creating an account or logging into the Winamp Developer Network, you are agreeing to our Terms of Service and Privacy Policy

If you've never edited a wiki before, you might want to check out Wikipedia: How to edit a pagefor some pointers.

Who Should Use the Wiki

This wiki is for everyone. Whether you're a seasoned vet, intermediate coder, loyal fan, or even newbie. Primarily though, it's for Winamp developers and user-contributors who want to be actively engaged in the advancement of the Winamp media player. Either by leveraging the content of this site to build better skins, plug-ins, visualizations and online services; or by sharing your knowledge and expertise with the community.

Skin Developer

To put it as simply as possible, skins change the way your Winamp player looks. If you want to get fancy and say that it changes the GUI (graphical user interface) then you can, but really all you need to know is if you download or create a new skin, Winamp will put on a little mask and pretend to look different. Check Skin Developer page for more details.

Classic Skins

Based on the Winamp 2 model, Classic skins are easier to create than Modern skins, but they do not allow the developer to change the form or function of the player. Classic skins developers may only replace a standard set of images that alter the player's visual appearance.

Modern Skins

Modern skins are skins that adhere to the Winamp 3+ skin model. Modern (or freeform) skins offer developers a tremendous amount of flexibility by allowing you to change the player's shape, size, layout, and function. Learn how to create a modern skin for Winamp!

Visual Developer

You know those funny dancing colors you see when you hear music – and no Autumn Moonpuppy, I’m not talking about that time you 'toured' with The Dead. Visualizers are dynamic add-ons that produce images, colors, and textures that change based elements of the music being played. Winamp offers two primary visualization platforms (AVS & MilkDrop) allowing you to create different presets. If you’re feeling invincible, you can even attempt to create your own visualization environment.

Winamp Online Services

Plug-in Developer


Plug-ins can pretty much do anything! ...within reason, of course. You can alter the sound of your music, turn your mobile phone into a Winamp remote control, or if ya’d like, translate Winamp into another language. Basically, we’ve made the platform flexible enough so that you can craft your idyllic feature and plug it right into Winamp.

Types of Plug-ins

There are all kinds of categorizes of plug-ins: Input, Output, Visualization, DSP/Effect, General Purpose, Media Library and Portables. That means, you can go nuts in discovering how a single plug-in can change your life. You can read up on the taxonomy of a plug-in here.

Winamp Online Services Not Working

Start Creating Your Plug-in

If you feel like developing one yourself, you can –

  1. Check out the suggested tools
  2. Read-up on the SDK documentation
  3. Visit the Winamp Forums
  4. Submit your plug-in. Ain’t it easy?

Online Service Developer

Online Services are web pages that are rendered by the embedded browser within Winamp. The awesomeness of these pages is that they can interact with the Winamp Player. In this way a web page can start and stop the player, examine and create playlists, enqueue songs for playback, the colors used in the skin of the player, etc. We're excited to see what you come up with by merging html web pages and the Winamp player.

Developer Resources

  • Articles - link consolidation of all articles written by all types of developers
  • Download the SDK


Services Winamp

Check out the Developers FAQ. Not to mistaken for the standard frequently asked questions that live on the Winamp Forums (although there may be some overlap), this FAQ is specific to developers.

Winamp Online Radio

Contribute to the Wiki

Winamp App

Just like the success of Winamp itself, the success of the Developer Network relies on you. We encourage everyone to contribute - from the expert developer to the passionate user. Your updates, additions, and moderation efforts are critical and we definitely appreciate your efforts making this one of the premier developer sites.

Winamp Online Video Streaming

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